The Lost Art of Closing

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Written by my friend Anthony Iannarino, this book is the sequel to The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need.

Closing the deal is the most crucial step in the sales process. Yet most salespeople are following outdated, incorrect, and harmful advice telling them to aggressively and forcefully go for the hard sell--or else to sell so softly that they are afraid to ask for any commitments at all! They've heard "Always Be Closing" and "Never Be Closing." But neither of those mantras are true in the complex sales landscape we have today. Closing now is all about building trust with your clients and moving them down the path of 10 commitments....all the way to the dotted line.

Iannarino argues that in a world with many competitors vying for the same clients and with clients who can do their own research, closing a sale is really about gaining commitments and doing all you can to build a relationship with your prospective client. In his rebuttal to conventional and disappointing "sales wisdom", Iannarino will teach readers to:

  1. Develop deep relationships with clients by implementing closing strategies that build trust and help prospective clients understand the value of committing to move forward in the process.

  2. Proactively, but not aggressively, ask for commitments without guilt or embarrassment about being pushy, manipulative, or self-oriented--all things that destroy trust.

In a field rife with misperceptions about how to close a deal, Iannarino's book will be necessary reading for all sales people--to help them streamline the sales process and win more deals, faster.