Hyper-connected Selling

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How does a salesperson create value and stay relevant in a world where information is a commodity and technology is everywhere? That’s the pivotal question David J.P. Fisher explores in Hyper-Connected Selling. He looks at how sales professionals can leverage new tools to create human connections that will lead to business.

Throughout the book, David puts selling into a larger context, historically and in the landscape of the modern buyer’s journey. Technology has changed the buying process by connecting prospects with information, people, and opportunities in a way never seen before. While selling isn’t necessarily harder than it used to be, the sales process is much more complex.

Instead of remaining transactional, information-providers, Hyper-Connected Selling shows how it’s possible to combine social selling tools, sales networks, and old-school communication skills to become the sales person that customers want and need.

The suggestion in the book is that sales professionals must strive to become Sales Sherpas – where they act as engaged, proactive guides for their customers. For sales pros to continue to have relevance and find success in this environment, they have to leverage their relationships with buyers to help move them along their journey.

The book is useful for anyone who wants to find the right balance of digital engagement and old-school, human-to-human relationships in their sales role.