Sales Enablement

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Companies face constant disruption from customers, competitors and digital advancement. It’s hard to know how to tackle these challenges while retaining business and driving growth.

Sales Enablement is the glue that binds these variables, aligning company core values and gaining universal agreement on all aspects of customer interaction and business function. However, in practice, this is no easy task.

How do you organise and systemise legacy sales processes and combine them with the latest thinking and technology to better support the sales team and customers?

When tackling these challenges there are core principles that must be followed. These include universal agreement to an enablement charter, defined onboarding processes, and a deep understanding of the customer journey and how to align all departments to meet changing customer expectations.

If any of these challenges sound familiar, this book is for you. It makes sense of a complex topic, brings clarity to the process and suggests a structure to tackling obstacles.