New Sales Simplified

New Sales Simplified.png

New Sales Simplified is compulsory reading for all sales professionals. It offers a structured, logical approach to selling and a practical framework for prospecting, account strategy, time blocking and overcoming sales obstacles.

Mike contextualises some of the myths of modern day selling, as well as addresses the managerial barriers to sales success, such as the importance of building a compensation plan that drives the desired behaviours of your team.

The standout moment was how to craft a company power statement. This was constructed by the entire team(s), and served as the nucleus upon which all other communication was built. By including marketing and sales in the process, it unites the company and channel’s efforts towards a singular, common goal. The process involves deep analysis of these 3 areas:

1. What are the customer pains we remove and problems we solve for our customer?

2. What do we offer, sell, do?

3. What are our differentiators?

I really liked the framework for viewing the sales pitch through the eyes of the prospect. Asking yourself "how will the customer feel after I make this call?" and "what is the singular message I want the customer to remember from this interaction?" to ensure a valuable message is being communicated at every point of customer contact.

The blunt narrative is refreshing, and the stories are written with good humour, in particular when describing a lack of authenticity when speaking to prospects, and Mike's dislike of the herb, rosemary (I feel the same way about fennel).